Hi! You can call me Meep!
I've been programming since highschool, and this site is a place for me to have fun creating cool looking pages and hosting random tools I've made.
Other than webdev I most often use python and C#, but I've also been trying to learn romhacking for the GameBoy, so you might see some pages about that at some point.
I'm a bit of a Gamerâ„¢ if my home page wasn't a giveaway. Pokemon has always been a big favourite, but my more recent favs would include Pikmin (anything Nintendo really), Castlevania, and the Soulsborne games.
Also also, I'm a HUGE fan of Revue Starlight (The design of this page is based on it!), and I would not be doing my job if I didn't recommend it to anyone who comes across me. If you like women with swords, heavily implied lesbians, surreal imagery, the Theater, and/or awesome music - you should watch it!